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Qualiterbe Balsam for the Body

Pure soothing organic body care
Shower Shampoo Shampoo, Lip Balm and Anti Celluliite Lotion
Paraben free, without preservatives, natural fragrance

You will find all details and ingredients with the individual product descriptions.


Delivery time: 1-2 weeks

SKU: Qual-SACorp Categories: ,

Qualiterbe organic shower shampoo: extract from chamomile flower heads, lime and mint essential oils
Qualiterbe Organic Hair Shampoo: Made from whole flowers and essential oil of Roman chamomile
Qualiterbe Lip Balm: Made from hand-harvested wild plants, orange and tangerine oil

Weight 1170 g



Qualiterbe calls itself a workshop of traditional and contemporary herbalists. They make high-quality herbal products, from creams to shampoos to teas and tinctures.

Qualiterbe s.r.l.
Largo della Vittoria, 8
06062 Città della Pieve (PG)


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