
Restaurants |

L’Oasi del Pescatore

L'Oasi del Pescatore Mauro fishes and Maria cooks. The idyllic stretch of beach, sheltered by willow trees with black lava sand and clear water, was where Mauro's fishing boat ...
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Restaurants |

Il Borgo

Il Borgo Five friends - a dream. For years, Luisa, Antonella, Rita, Elda and Laura have been sharing their passion for hospitality and are managing their restaurant and hotel ...
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Restaurants |

La Grata

La Grata The restaurant offers generous space inside and outside. You can sit comfortably in the shade under beautiful trees with view to the lake and enjoy the ...
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La casa di Effe

La casa di Effe

La casa di Effe Fabiana Eramo, cook by vocation and passion, and Fabio Lanciano, expert in wine and rum, invite you to their home to taste wonderful products ...
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