Luxury chicken coops?

Luxury chicken coops? | Tusciapollai builds chicken coops that could also be described as luxury villas or objets d'art for the garden. In Bolsena, more or less directly on the lake in a small factory which, in addition to modern equipment, could also be reminiscent of the turn of the century. Rodolfo and Holger use 95 percent Douglas/Larch natural solid wood from European cultivation. Really nice to touch and ecological. Have a look ...

Tusciapollai builds chicken coops that could also be described as luxury villas or objets d’art for the garden. In Bolsena, more or less directly on the lake in a small factory which, in addition to modern equipment, could also be reminiscent of the turn of the century. Rodolfo and Holger use 95 percent Douglas/Larch natural solid wood from European cultivation. Really nice to touch and ecological. Have a look …

Luxury chicken coops? | Tusciapollai builds chicken coops that could also be described as luxury villas or objets d'art for the garden. In Bolsena, more or less directly on the lake in a small factory which, in addition to modern equipment, could also be reminiscent of the turn of the century. Rodolfo and Holger use 95 percent Douglas/Larch natural solid wood from European cultivation. Really nice to touch and ecological. Have a look ...

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