Beautiful industrial Kitchen is looking for agricultural products

Beautiful industrial Kitchen is looking for agricultural products | We all know that this beautiful romantic idea of selling jam from our delicious cherry or fig trees or a delicate sauce from our organic tomatoes is not easy to achieve.

We all know that this beautiful romantic idea of selling jam from our delicious cherry or fig trees or a delicate sauce from our organic tomatoes is not easy to achieve.

It’s not enough to be certified or to have taken a course for food sales authorization or to have created a beautiful label. No, it takes a licensed laboratory to process, package, and label agricultural products. It takes an investment. In fact, doing it alone doesn’t really make sense.

Beautiful industrial Kitchen is looking for agricultural products | We all know that this beautiful romantic idea of selling jam from our delicious cherry or fig trees or a delicate sauce from our organic tomatoes is not easy to achieve.
Beautiful industrial Kitchen is looking for agricultural products | We all know that this beautiful romantic idea of selling jam from our delicious cherry or fig trees or a delicate sauce from our organic tomatoes is not easy to achieve.
Beautiful industrial Kitchen is looking for agricultural products | We all know that this beautiful romantic idea of selling jam from our delicious cherry or fig trees or a delicate sauce from our organic tomatoes is not easy to achieve.

With this in mind, we built such a workshop. We use it for our organic Pian del Grano farm that produces wheat, olive oil and vegetables. But our desire has always been to share the capacity of the lab. To give each of you the opportunity, the dream of putting your products in packages and then selling them.

The laboratory makes use of computerized machines that allow a processing that, with vacuum, maintains the organoleptic properties of a multitude of products such as jams, marmalades, soups, fruit juices, tomato purees, etc.. In order to guarantee a healthy marketable product.

We are open to discussing different forms of collaboration and finding individual solutions: you can bring products and recipes and we will take care of everything else right down to the labeled jar. We will find the right shape and the right contribution together.

Creative ideas or questions? Let us know.

We would love to exchange ideas and contribute together to the growth to sell our excellent products from the area.

Joseph Abi Nassif. Pian del Grano
email: Joseph Abi Nassif tel/whatsapp: +39 3480519087

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