Looking for Woofers
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Looking for Woofers

1 Posts
1 Users
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Joined: 4 years ago

Ever dreamed of working on the land? Pruning a vineyard, cleaning land to prepare the fields, planting a lavender field, seeding herbs, planting fruit trees, cleaning out wood, harvesting olives, taking care of the animals...?
This year we are opening our home and are inviting people interested in organic farming to come live and work with us (in exchange for free stay and board at our retreat).

We founded La Montagnola Retreat here in this beautiful very rural part of Italy, to create and share a place where people can take a step back, reconnect with the essential.

Tending the earth. Your hands in the soil. 
Not always a walk in the rose garden. Hard work at times. 
Nothing better than that to reconnect with the essential..
At least in our experience.

Anyone inspired is very welcome to connect with us with a short introduction and motivation, ideas or any questions ( or call us +39.3891 64 2262)
The workplace is around and near our property in #tuscia #Lago di Bolsena www.lamontagnolaretreat.com 

#workingonorganicfarms #farmitaly #experiencefarmlife #downtoearth #sabbaticalonafarm #loveitaly #workingintuscia #woofing

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