Luxury chicken coops? | Tusciapollai builds chicken coops that could also be described as luxury villas or objets d'art for the garden. In Bolsena, more or less directly on the lake in a small factory which, in addition to modern equipment, could also be reminiscent of the turn of the century. Rodolfo and Holger use 95 percent Douglas/Larch natural solid wood from European cultivation. Really nice to touch and ecological. Have a look ...

Luxury chicken coops?

Tusciapollai builds chicken coops that could also be described as luxury villas or objets d’art for the garden. In Bolsena, more or less directly on the lake in a small factory which, in addition to modern equipment, could also be reminiscent of the turn of the century. Rodolfo and Holger use 95 percent Douglas/Larch natural …

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