Francesco Marzetti

It is difficult to pin down Francesco to one art direction . But his works of art have one thing in common: Francesco gives everything he sees a soul and a face. He experiences nature as a constant source of inspiration. And he is brilliant in the artistic implementation. Thereby it is not always important to him to create for eternity.

His currently indisputably most ingenious art is the depiction of classical paintings with sewing thread. Not based on a drawing. No, freely adding threads to create the piece of art. Klimt, Van Gogh, Schiele, Frida… Francesco lays his threads on a canvas and finally fixes them into a perfect work that represents the original with a different technique. Check it out!

Francesco Marzetti | It is difficult to pin down Francesco to one art direction . But his works of art have one thing in common: Francesco gives everything he sees a soul and a face. He experiences nature as a constant source of inspiration. And he is brilliant in the artistic implementation. Thereby it is not always important to him to create for eternity.

When I first met Francesco, there was a wonderful fine drawing of two people on his kitchen table. Adorable. Drawn in pencil combined with a red (I thought) watercolor paint. He got the color from the juice of the beetroot, which he later prepared for lunch.

This is one of Francesco’s artistic styles: drawings combined with colors and shapes from nature such as vegetables, fruit, flowers or pressed leaves. His ephemeral works of art are also fascinating, such as fine drawings on fruit bowls or ballerinas made of dandelions. You really have to see it.

Another passion of Francesco is to give everyday objects a new life. Shoes, gloves or scrap become ingenious new forms with a new face.

Francesco Marzetti | It is difficult to pin down Francesco to one art direction . But his works of art have one thing in common: Francesco gives everything he sees a soul and a face. He experiences nature as a constant source of inspiration. And he is brilliant in the artistic implementation. Thereby it is not always important to him to create for eternity.

Francesco’s garden and house are home and a gallery at the same time. The more you look, the more art you see everywhere in every spot. You can get more impressions on or on Instagram, where you can follow Francesco’s daily art creations.

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